In her accessible and practical style, Robin Shapiro will teach you how to use ego state therapy to work with a variety of clients and their issues. This is a 2 day workshop. During the workshop you will learn to distinguish healthy, flexible states from dissociative ones, and to map your own states, from physically-based vagal states to age and role-related states. You’ll learn methods to use embodied ego-state interventions to clear trauma, work with couples, attachment issues, sexual issues with sex-abuse survivors, over-active immune systems and chronic pain, shame, personality disorders, suicidal clients, and dissociative identity disorder. You will learn to track your own states, and you’ll practice many of the interventions. If you do EMDR, you’ll learn when it’s more useful to use EMDR, when to use ego state work, and when and how to use them both. And despite the seriousness of the subject, expect to enjoy the process.
This is an intermediate program for all mental health professionals.
Learning Objectives:
Participants can describe the 3 Polyvagal States
Participants can apply between Dissociative and Other Ego States
Participants can utilize the 2-Hand Interweave.
Participants can use a simple ego state intervention for simple trauma.
Participants can describe ways to use ego state work in Couples’ Therapy
Participants can describe and apply Jim Knipe’s Shame Protocol
Participants can describe and apply Ego State Work with Borderline and Narcissistic Clients.
Participants can describe the 3 stages of work with DID clients, from the Theory of Structural Dissociation
Participants can describe and utilize the Dissociative Table and alternative ways to organize and contain dissociative parts.
Participants can describe when it’s safe to do trauma work with DID clients and when to use and not use EMDR.
Participants can utilize appropriate trauma strategies with Dissociative Disorder clients, including modified EMDR protocols, modified Life Span Integration, and others.
Participants can utilize EMDR and ego state therapy to heal over-active immune systems and chronic pain
About the Presenter:
Robin Shapiro, LICSW is known for her clear, accessible, and practical style in writing, teaching, and clinical consultation. She is the author/editor of five books covering multiple modes of clinical treatments. She is in high demand as a consultant, workshop presenter and conference speaker on the issues of healing trauma, dissociation, attachment issues, anxiety, depression, sexual and relationship issues. A psychotherapist since 1981, she has expertise in EMDR, ego state, somatic, relational, attachment-focused, and many other therapies. She is skilled at synthesizing diverse therapy modalities and explaining how to use them, simply, and often entertainingly, to other therapists. Her passion is helping psychotherapists understand and effectively treat their clients.
Live Webinar
March 18-19, 2023 @ 7:00am to 3:00pm
12 CE credits
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation of your registration with full refund can be done up to 1 days before the event. This can be done automatically on the Eventbrite event page.
Grievances Policy:
We seek to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please email with your written grievance. Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems.
ADA Assistance:
This program adheres to the standards of the Americans Disabilities Act. Please contact if special accommodation is required.
Conflict of Interest:
There is no known commercial interest or conflict of interest for this program.
The CE Company is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The CE Company maintains responsibility for this program and its content