This class is for graduates of the Easy Ego State Interventions training. Participants from that class responded to a survey about what follow-up they’d like to have. They wanted more demonstrations, more lecture, and more practice. They wanted a review of how to conceptualize dissociation. They wanted to know how I started therapy with new clients and how the planning changed with different levels of dissociation.
This class will include more practice, more demonstrations, more time for questions and some case consultation, and a video of a DID client who has been in and out of therapy for 40 years. I’ll be discussing usage of the Flash Technique and EMDR 2.0, Polyvagal techniques, and books that weren’t available when I started teaching this class. It will include a brief update on the chronic pain/MCS protocol for use with Tinnitus and Long Covid.
This is an advanced program for all mental health professionals.
Learning Objectives:
Participants can describe and help clients deal with their avoidant parts and rejected emotions.
Participants can describe and utilize EMDR, ego state work, and present orientation for trauma processing with highly dissociated clients.
Participants can apply techniques to assist their clients to integrate formerly dissociated ego states.
Participants can utilize EMDR, Polyvagal techniques, and visualization to dissipate MCS, Tinnitus, and Long Covid symptoms.
Participants can apply treatment and long-term therapy with deeply dissociated clients.
Participants can describe and utilize tools to deal with the overwhelm with and projected emotions of dissociated clients.
Participants can utilize therapy to feel secure in using these tools from observation and demonstration.
Participants can describe the levels of dissociation and how to diagnose them.
Participants can utilize the Circle of Love, strong adult states, and current safety as resources for themselves and their clients.
Participants can describe Polyvagal states and use Polyvagal calming techniques with their own and clients’ mobilization.
Participants can identify and connect with their own and other people’s ego states as a way of understanding and working with dissociated clients.
Participants can utilize many tools to work with deeply resistant clients or parts of clients
About the Presenter:
Robin Shapiro, LICSW is known for her clear, accessible, and practical style in writing, teaching, and clinical consultation. She is the author/editor of five books covering multiple modes of clinical treatments. She is in high demand as a consultant, workshop presenter and conference speaker on the issues of healing trauma, dissociation, attachment issues, anxiety, depression, sexual and relationship issues. A psychotherapist since 1981, she has expertise in EMDR, ego state, somatic, relational, attachment-focused, and many other therapies. She is skilled at synthesizing diverse therapy modalities and explaining how to use them, simply, and often entertainingly, to other therapists. Her passion is helping psychotherapists understand and effectively treat their clients.
Live (Online)
August 19 & 20, 2023
9:00am to 4:30pm
12 CE credits
Cancellation Policy:
Full refund within one day of the event.
Grievances Policy:
Please contact Robin Shapiro, if the grievance is about the content, or the host of the training, for any other issues. All grievances will be addressed with haste and politeness. Please tell us what you need.
ADA Assistance:
I, Robin Shapiro, will do my best to include trainees with disabilities, make all material accessible to them, and support them in movement, hearing, and seeing. I will use some case examples inclusive of people with disabilities. And I will ask the people and organizations that host my workshops, to do the same.
Conflict of Interest:
There is no known commercial interest or conflict of interest for this program.
The CE Company is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The CE Company maintains responsibility for this program and its content