Basic Training in EMDR Therapy by The EMDR Center of Southern California
This program prepares participants to be EMDR trained therapists via (26) hours of didactics, (21.5) hours of practicum, and (10.5) hours of consultation via a comprehensive, four-weekend format. The EMDR Center of Southern California (ECSC) is accredited through the EMDR International Association. Participants will learn how to apply evidence-based clinical research in EMDR to their clinical caseloads, formulate case conceptualizations based on attachment theory, the theory of structural dissociation of the personality, and the Adaptive Information Processing Model (AIP) promulgated by EMDR's founder, Francine Shapiro, Ph.D. Participants will learn to execute EMDR through all its eight phases with their clinical caseloads focusing in particular on the spectrum of PTSD from simple to complex presentations, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, and many other DSM-V-TR diagnoses. At the conclusion of this program, participants will be EMDR Trained Therapists and qualify for membership and benefits with the EMDR International Association.
This is an introductory program for all mental health professionals.
Learning Objectives:
Describe the three phases of treatment for complex trauma.
Describe the effects of trauma on information processing.
Evaluate client clinical presentations based on the four major attachment classifications.
Describe the percentages of the general population for the four major attachment classifications.
Evaluate the obvious and hidden signs of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Describe the DSM-5-TR diagnoses associated with primary, secondary, and tertiary structural dissociation of the personality.
Execute methods of client stabilization in Phase 2 of EMDR therapy that do not involve the use of alternating bilateral stimulation..
Evaluate which measure of dissociation is appropriate for use based on client presentation.
Detect which DSM-V-TR diagnoses are appropriate for the use of EMDR therapy based on current research.
Apply the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model in case formulation as part of treatment planning in EMDR therapy..
Describe at least three different theoretical mechanisms underlying EMDR's treatment effects.
Describe the two primary effects of bilateral eye movements.
Describe the eight phases of EMDR therapy.
Develop a case formulation and targeting sequence based on a complete history of symptoms and the history of the person.
Detect client readiness for reprocessing.
Describe the elements of informed consent to treatment with EMDR therapy.
Execute procedural and technical fidelity to the delivery of Calm Place Exercise.
Describe the three types of Resource Development and Installation (RDI).
Describe the elements of the Window of Tolerance.
Evaluate the circumstances under which the three different Bridge Techniques are appropriate to use during EMDR therapy.
Describe the steps of EMDR therapy's Phase 3 Assessment.
Describe the three main categories of Negative and Positive Cognitions.
Describe the goal of EMDR therapy's Phase 4 Desensitization.
Evaluate the client's need for stability and current orientation at the close of each EMDR therapy session.
Evaluate client responses that are suggestive of effective reprocessing.
Describe when and how to return to target in EMDR Phase 4 Desensitization.
Describe how to check for a defensive belief or remaining issues in Phase 5 Installation.
Evaluate how to bring Phase 6 Body Scan to a close.
Demonstrate procedures for closing a reprocessing session.
Detect which client presentations are suitable for initial clinical application of EMDR reprocessing.
Describe three essential foundations of case formulation in EMDR therapy.
Describe the two levels of Phase 8 Re-evaluation in EMDR therapy.
Detect when the client's treatment plan needs adjusting to return to stabilization.
Describe the three-pronged approach in EMDR therapy.
Describe three templates for use in the future prong of EMDR therapy.
Apply the two sets of strategies for maintaining dual attention during intense emotional and somatic responses.
Describe the four types of situations in which interweaves may be appropriate or essential.
Describe Francine Shapiro's (2018) Recent Events Protocol.
Demonstrate procedural fidelity to Jim Knipe's (2015) Loving Eyes protocol.
Describe the reasons why treatment of active duty military personnel and veterans is a specialty area.
Describe the differences between the natural course of grief and traumatic grief.
Describe Specific Phobia questions to develop targets for reprocessing.
Evaluate which client presentations are likely to uncover associations to core childhood material related to attachment disruptures when targeting symptoms connected to Panic Disorder and Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia.
Describe the reasons for use of Arne Hofmann's (2010) Inverted Protocol.
Describe the rationale of first targeting the current episode of depression in the DeprEnd protocol.
Describe at least two specialized protocols for the EMDR treatment of substance abuse.
Demonstrate technical and procedural fidelity to the Standard Future Template.
Demonstrate technical and procedural fidelity to the Positive Template.
Demonstrate technical and procedural fidelity to Resource Development and Installation (RDI) for the Fostering of a New Identity.
Describe why cultural humility is a more suitable goal in a multicultural clinical setting than traditional notions of cultural competence.
Describe how to build a strong cross-cultural therapeutic alliance.
Evaluate the circumstances when it is necessary to postpone history taking and instead focus on stabilization, containment of trauma, and skills building.
Describe several procedural adaptations in the eight phases of EMDR therapy based on cultural, social, political, historical and economic factors in the delivery of EMDR therapy.
Perform with technical fidelity the mechanics of bilateral eye movements and alternate bilateral stimulation in EMDR therapy.
Execute technical and procedural fidelity to the use of Resource Development and Installation (RDI).
Apply technical and procedural fidelity in the administration of self-control techniques during Phases 1, 2 and 8 of EMDR therapy.
Execute technical and procedural fidelity in the administration of the EMDR Standard Protocol.
Describe the technical and procedural adaptations needed for the use of EMDR therapy with children.
Describe the four causes of ineffective reprocessing.
Demonstrate technical and procedural fidelity to Jim Knipe's (2015) Method of Constant Installation of Present Orientation and Safety (CIPOS).
Describe the two main purposes of EMDR therapy's Phase 3 Assessment
Formulate a set of hypotheses about the causes of the client's symptoms based on a mental model of the client.
Detect when the client is under-accessing the maladaptive memory network.
Detect when the client is over-accessing the maladaptive memory network.
Detect when there is a need to shift focus to access a different, earlier maladaptive memory network.
Detect when the client is accessing an earlier maladaptive memory network with the same theme (i.e., "feeder memory").
Describe the rationale for applying EMDR to specific phobias of a traumatic origin.
Describe the "four tests" to consider in the Present Phase of the Inverted Protocol before transitioning to reprocessing past target incidents.
Detect when it is necessary to shift from the use of the Standard Future Template to a Bridge Technique to identify unresolved memories or current stimuli before continuing with the Standard Future Template.
Detect when it is necessary to shift from the use of the Positive Template to either the Standard Future Template, or a Bridge Technique to identify unresolved memories or current stimuli before continuing with the Positive Template.
Describe the therapeutic tasks to undertake in Phase Three of the three-phase model for the treatment of complex trauma.
About the Presenter:
Christine Sells, Ph.D., is the Founder and Director of Training at the EMDR Center of Southern California (ECSC). She has over 25 years experience as a clinical psychologist specializing in EMDR therapy with children, adolescents, and adults experiencing attachment-related traumas, complex PTSD, and severe dissociative disorders. She maintains a private practice in Newport Beach, CA. Her latest publication addresses EMDR certification consultation: Madere, J., Leeds, A.M., Sells, C., Browning, J., Sperling, C. (2020). Consultation for EMDRIA Certification in EMDR: Challenges and best practices, Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 14(2), 62-75.
Live (VIrtual)
August 12-13, 2023
September 9-10, 2023
October 7-8, 2023
November 4-5, 2023
8:30am to 5:15pm EST
Newport Beach, CA 92660
58 CE credits
Cancellation Policy:
Refund and Transfer Policy: The following conditions apply if withdrawal from the training is necessary after acceptance: 1) Full refund minus a $150. administration fee 30 days or more before the training onset, 2) Within 30 days prior to training onset no refunds will be issued, and 3) After the onset of training, no refunds will be issued for personal reasons or business situations, including medical circumstances because vacancies after the onset of training cannot be filled. Any refund requests must be in writing via email to the Director of Training: The following conditions apply if you need to withdraw from the training after acceptance: 1) You may request in writing via email to the Director of Training ( a transfer to the next training cycle with a transfer fee of $150., 2) When the time between the first and second training course is six months or less, and if I attended only weekend one, then I may resume training at weekend two of the next training course, 3) If I attended weekends one and two only, then I agree to start again at weekend two, 4) If I attended weekends one, two and three in one course, then I may return and take just weekend four, 5) I may elect to start over and attend all four weekends. For purposes of this registration, if I attend only one day of a weekend, that will be considered as if I had not attended that weekend at all, and 6) If the time between the first and second training courses is more than six months, I will be required to start over and attend all four weekends at the next training course. My digital signature below confirms that I have read, understood and agree to ECSC's Refund and Transfer Policy.
Grievances Policy:
We seek to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please email us with your written grievance. Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems.
Accessibility Policy:
This program adheres to the standards of the Americans Disabilities Act. Please contact us if special accommodation is required.
conflict of interest:
There is no known commercial interest or conflict of interest for this program.
The CE Company is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The CE Company maintains responsibility for this program and its content